Q1. What will be effect of the following on the Accounting Equation?

  1. Started business with cash Rs. 45,000
  2. Opened a bank account with a deposit of Rs. 4,500
  3. Purchase goods from M/s. Sun & Co. for Rs. 11,200

Ans – 

S.No.Transactions                        Assets                             =     Liabilities        +   Capital   Cash      +    Bank     +   Stock        =     (Creditor )
1.Started business with cash45,000                                                   =                                      45,000
    2.  Opened a bank account with a deposit45,000                                                   =                                      45,000   (4,500)  +   4,500                              =
    3.  Purchase goods from M/s Sun & Co.40,500   +   4,500                              =                                      45,000                                                11,200     =     11,200
 New Equation40,500   +   4,500   +   11,200      =     11,200                  45,000          

                        Assets                             = Liabilities     +    capital

           (Cash+bank+stock)               = (creditors)   +     capital

          40,500+45, 00+11,200          = 11,200           +     45,000

                           56,200                         =              56,200

Q2. Show the Accounting Equation for the following Transaction:

  1. Gopinath started business with cash                                 25,000
  2. Purchased goods from Shyam                                              10,000
  3. Sold goods to Sohan costing Rs. 1,800                                  1,500
  4. Gopinath Withdrew from Business                                       5,000

Ans –

S.No.Transactions                       Assets                               =   Liabilities   +   Capital  Cash      +    Bank     +   Debtors     =   (Creditor )
1.Gopinath started business with cash25,000                                                    =                                 25,000
    2.  Purchased goods from Shyam                                             25,000                                                    =                                 25,000                          10,000                             =     10,000
    3.  Sold goods to Sohan costing25,000  +  10,000                               =     10,000        +   25,000                        (1800)     +    15,00        =                                       (300)
    4.                        New Equation   Gopinath withdrew from business25,000  +  8,200      +   15,00          =    10,000         +   24,700             (5,000)                                                   =                              (5,000)
                         New Equation  20,000  +  8,200      +   1,500          =    10,000         +   19,700

                                     Assets                            =     Liabilities     +    capital

                       (Cash+bank+Debtors)           =     (creditors)    +     capital

                       20,000+8,200+1,500             =     10,000            +    19,700

                              29,700                                 =                    29,700

Q3. Prepare an Accounting Equation and Balance Sheet on the following basis:

  1. Ajeet started business with cash Rs. 20,000.
  2. He purchased furniture for Rs. 2,000.
  3. He paid rent of Rs. 200.
  4. He purchased goods on credit Rs. 3,000
  5. He sold goods (cost price Rs. 2,000) for Rs. 5,000 on cash.

Ans –

S.No.Transactions                       Assets                               =   Liabilities   + Capital  Cash      + furniture +   Stock         =   (Creditor )
1.Ajeet started business with cash20,000                                                    =                               20,000
    2.    He Purchased furniture                                             20,000                                                    =                               20,000   (2,000) +  2,000                                 =   
    3.    He paid rent18,000  +  2,000                                 =                               20,000    (200)                                                      =                                (200)
    4.                        He purchased goods on credit17,800  +  2,000                                  =                               19,800                                                           3,000         =     3,000
    5.                          He sold goods on cash17,800  +  2,000       +   3,000         =    3,000          +   19,800      5,000                              (2,000)      =                                 3,000
                       New Equation22,800  +  2,000       +   1,000         =    3,000          +   22,800

                            Assets                             =    Liabilities     +    capital

           (Cash+furniture+stock)          =   (creditors)    +     capital

          22,800+2,000+1,000                 =      3,000           +     22,800

                           25,800                             =              25,800

Q4. Prepare Accounting Equation from the following:

  1. Started business with cash Rs. 1, 00,000 and Goods Rs. 20, 000.
  2. Sold goods worth Rs. 10,000 for cash Rs. 12,000.
  3. Purchased furniture on credit for Rs. 30,000.

Ans –

S.No.Transactions                           Assets                                 =   Liabilities     +     Capital   Cash          +   Stock     +  Furniture    =   (Creditor )
1.Started business with cash1,00,000   +  20,000                                 =                                   1,20,000
    2.    Goods sold for cash 1,00,000   +  20,000                                 =                                   1,20,000       12,000      (10,000)                                                                     +         2,000  
    3.  Purchase furniture on credit.1,12,000   +  10,000                                 =                                   1,22,000                                                     30,000         =     30,000
 New Equation1,12,000   +  10,000   +   30,000         =     30,000          +    1,22,000              

                          Assets                              =    Liabilities      +    capital

           (Cash+Stock+Furniture)        =   (creditors)    +     capital

          1, 12,000+10,000+30,000       =      30,000          +     1, 22,000

                           1, 52,000                        =              1, 52,000

Q5. Develop an Accounting Equation from the following transactions:

  1. Mohan commenced business with cash                          50,000
  2. Purchased goods for cash                                                    30,000
  3. Purchased goods on credit                                                  20,000
  4. Sold goods (costing Rs. 10,000) for                                   12,000
  5. Bought furniture on credit                                                     2,000
  6. Paid cash to a creditor                                                           15,000
  7. Salary paid                                                                                   1,000

Ans –

S.NoTransactions                         Assets                                 =   Liabilities  +   Capital   Cash        +   Stock     +  Furniture    =   (Creditor )
1.Mohan started business with cash 50,000                                                       =                                 50,000
    2.  Goods purchased on cash  50,000                                                       =                                 50,000   (30,000) +  30,000                                                                                        
    3.  Goods Purchase on credit. 20,000    +  30,000                               =                                 50,000                            20,000                              =     20,000
  4.  Goods sold 20,000    +  50,000                               =     20,000       +     50,000  12,000    + (10,000)                            =                                    2,000
  5.  Purchased furniture on credit 32,000    +  40,000                               =    20,000        +     52,000                                                   2,000          =       2,000
  6.  Paid cash to a creditor32,000     +  40,000    +  2,000          =     22,000        +    52,000 (15,000)                                                    =   (15,000)
  7.  Salary paid to employee17,000     +  40,000    +  2,000           =       7,000        +    52,000 (1,000)                                                                                          (1,000)
                    New Equation16,000     +  40,000    +  2,000           =       7,000        +    51,000

                        Assets                              =    Liabilities      +    capital

           (Cash+Stock+Furniture)      =   (creditors)    +     capital

          16,000+40,000+2,000            =      7,000          +     51,000

                           58,000                           =              58,000

Q6. Prepare an Accounting Equation on the basis of the following transaction:

  1. Started business with cash Rs. 70,000.
  2. Credit purchase of goods Rs. 18,000.
  3. Payment made to creditors in full settlement Rs. 17,500.
  4. Purchase of machinery for cash Rs. 20,000.
  5. Depreciation on machinery Rs. 2,000.

Ans –

S.No.Transactions                       Assets                                     =    Liabilities   +   Capital  Cash          +   Stock    + Machinery     =   (Creditor )
1.Started business with cash70,000                                                          =                                  70,000
    2.    Credit Purchased of Goods                                             70,000                                                          =                                  70,000                           18,000                                  =    18,000
    3.    Payment made to creditors70,000      + 18,000                                  =    18,000                70,000   (17,500)                                                       =                                    (500)
    4.                        Purchased Machinery for cash52,500      + 18,000                                  =                                  70,500             (20,000)                              20,000
    5.                          Depreciation on Machinery 32,500      + 18,000   +    20,000          =                            +   70,500                                                    (2,000)        =                                ( 2,000)
             New   Equation32,500      + 18,000   +   18,000           =                            +   68,500

                                 Assets                              =    Liabilities      +    capital

           (Cash+Stock+Machinery)            =                                +     capital

          32,500+18,000+18,000                 =                     68,500

                           68,500                                  =                     68,500

Q7. Show the effect of the following transactions on the Accounting Equation:

  1. Started business with cash Rs. 50,000.
  2. Salaries paid Rs. 2,000.
  3. Wages outstanding Rs. 200.
  4. Interest due but not paid Rs. 100.
  5. Rent paid in advance Rs. 150.

Ans –

S.No.Transactions            Assets                        =     Liabilities            +        Capital  Cash      +  Advances               Outstanding                       Expenses        =     Expenses
1.Started business with cash50,000                                  =                                                 50,000
    2.    Salaries Paid                                            50,000                                  =                                                 50,000   (2,000)                                 =                                                (2,000)
    3.    Wages Outstanding 48,000                                  =                                                 48,000                                                    =       200                       +           (200)
    4.                        Interest Due but not paid48,000                                  =       200                                  47,800                                                    =       100                        +           (100)
    5.                          Rent paid in advance48,000                                  =       300                       +        47,700    (150)   +    150                  =
                       New Equation47,850 +    150                  =       300                       +        47,700

                         Assets                            =                     Liabilities               +   capital

   (Cash+Advances expenses)       =    (Outstanding Expenses)   +   Capital

               (47,850+150)                      =                        300                         + 47,700

                       48,000                             =                               48,000

Q8. What will be the effect of the following on the Accounting Equation?

  1. Harish started business with cash Rs. 18,000.
  2. Purchased goods for cash Rs. 5,000 and on credit Rs. 2,000.
  3. Sold goods for cash Rs. 4,000 (costing Rs. 2,400)
  4. Rent paid Rs. 1,000 and rent outstanding Rs. 200.

Ans –

S.NoTransactions               Assets                    =               Liabilities                    +     Capital   Cash        +    Stock          =   Creditors  + Outstanding                                                                                                Rent
1.Harish Started business with cash18,000                                 =                                                                18,000
    2.  Goods Purchased for cash and on credit18,000                                 =                                                                18,000   (5,000)   +   7,000           =       2,000                                                                    
    3.  Good sold for cash13,000    +   7,000           =       2,000                                      +     18,000     4,000         (2,400)        =                                                                    1,600
    4.    New Equation   Rent paid and rent outstanding17,000    +  4,600            =       2,000                                      +     19,600                   (1000)                                     =                                   200               +    (1,200)
     New Equation16,000    +  4,600            =      2,000       +     200                +    18,400

                        Assets              =                         Liabilities                        +   capital

               (Cash+Stock)         =      (Creditors+Outstanding Rent) +   capital

             (16,000+4,600)      =                 (2,000+200)                           +   18,400

                    20,600                 =                                                  20,600

Q9. Use accounting equation to show the effect of the following transactions of M/s Royal Traders:

  1. Started business with cash Rs. 1, 20,000.
  2. Purchased goods for cash Rs. 10,000.
  3. Rent received Rs. 5,000.
  4. Salary outstanding Rs. 2,000.
  5. Sold goods for cash (costing Rs. 5,000) Rs. 7,000.
  6. Goods destroyed by fire Rs. 500.

Ans –

S.NoTransactions                 Assets                          =      Liabilities          +     Capital     Cash          +      Stock            =   Outstanding                                                                   Salary
1.Started business with cash1,20,000                                     =                                             1,20,000
    2.  Purchased Goods for cash 1,20,000                                     =                                             1,20,000   (10,000)     +     10,000                                                                                
  3.  Rent received1,10,000    +10,000  =                                             1,20,000        5,000                                     =                                                   5,000
  4.  Salary Outstanding1,15,000     +     10,000          =                                             1,25,000                                                                     2,000                          (2,000)
  5.  Good sold for cash1,15,000     +     10,000          =         2,000               +      1,23,000        7,000            (5,000)                                                               2,000
  6.  Goods destroyed by fire1,22,000     +       5,000           =         2,000               +      1,25,000                                   (500)                                                               (500)
                    New Equation1,22,000     +       45,00           =         2,000               +      1,24,500

                  Assets                 =                Liabilities                +   capital

          (Cash+Stock)           =       Outstanding Salary      +   capital

      (1, 22,000+4,500)      =                    2,000                     +   1, 24,500

               1, 26,500               =                                  1, 26,500

Q10. Prove that the accounting equation is satisfied in all the following transactions of Suresh. Also prepare a Balance Sheet.

  1. Commenced business with cash Rs. 60,000.
  2. Paid rent in advance Rs. 500
  3. Purchased goods for cash Rs. 30,000 and credit Rs. 20,000.
  4. Sold goods for cash Rs. 30,000 costing Rs. 20,000.
  5. Paid salary Rs. 500 and salary outstanding being Rs. 100.
  6. Bought motorcycle for personal use Rs. 5,000.

Ans –

S.NoTransactions                            Assets                             =               Liabilities                   +Capital  Cash        +    Advance    +   Stock     =   Creditors  + Outstanding                            rent                                                               Salary
1.Started business with cash60,000                                                       =                                                          60,000
    2.  Rent paid in Advance 60,000                                                       =                                                          60,000   (500)      +     500                                                                                                       
  3.  Good purchased for cash and credit59,500   +     500                                    =                                                          60,000        (30,000) +                              50,000    =     20,000                                              
  4.  Good sold for cash29,500   +     500             +  50,000   =    20,000                                         60,000                                                                     30,000   +                          +(20,000)                                                               10,000
  5.  Salary paid and Outstanding Salary59,500   +     500             + 30,000    =    20,000                                    +  70,000        (500)                                                         =                                                              (500)                                                                                                         100                       (100)
  6.  Purchased motorcycle for personal use59,000   +     500             + 30,000    =    20,000    +     100                           + 69,400                                   (5,000)                                                     =                                                          (5,000)
  New Equation54,000   +     500             + 30,000    =    20,000    +    100                 +  64,400

                                   Assets                                =                Liabilities                                      +   capital

          (Cash+Advance rent +Stock)           =      (Creditor +Outstanding Salary)    +   capital

                (54,000+500+30,000)                 =                   (20,000+100)                            +   64,400

                                 84,500                                =                                        84,500

                                                                           Balance Sheet

Creditors20,000Prepaid Rent500
Salary Outstanding100Stock30,000
 85,500 85,500

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